Home Business Begonia Varieties | From Classic to Unique, Here Are Our Top Picks

Begonia Varieties | From Classic to Unique, Here Are Our Top Picks

Begonia Varieties | From Classic to Unique, Here Are Our Top Picks

Begonias are a popular choice among gardeners for their striking foliage and showy blooms. These versatile plants come in a wide range of colours, shapes, and sizes, making them a great choice for any garden or indoor space. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top varieties, from classic to unique, and share tips on how to care for them. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the information you need to choose the perfect plant for your home garden. So, let’s dive in and discover the beauty and diversity of this popular houseplant!

Rex Begonia

These stunning plants are known for their colourful, patterned leaves. The Rex comes in a range of colours and patterns, including shades of green, pink, and silver, and can add a unique touch to any indoor garden. They prefer bright, indirect light and should be kept moist but not too wet.

Dragon Wing 

This variety is prized for its cascading foliage and vibrant red or pink blooms. They’re easy to grow and can thrive in both sun and shade, making them a great choice for both indoor and outdoor gardens. Dragon Wing prefers well-draining soil and should be kept evenly moist.

Angel Wing 

With its dramatic, wing-shaped foliage and delicate blooms, the Angel Wing is a classic choice among online plants. These plants come in a range of colours, from pink to red to white, and prefer bright, indirect light. They should be kept moist and fertilized regularly to promote blooming.


The spectacular, rose-like flowers of the Tuberous Begonia come in a rainbow of colours, from white to pink to red. These plants thrive in somewhat shaded areas with soil that drains well and consistent, but not excessive, watering. They are an excellent option for brightening up your garden’s gloomy spots.


The Wax is a low-maintenance, easy-to-grow plant that’s great for beginners. These plants come in a variety of colours, including white, pink, and red, and prefer partial shade. They should be watered regularly and fertilized every few weeks during the growing season.


The vibrant, colourful flowers and lush, green leaves of the fibrous plant are well-known. These colourful plants are suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Water them often without drowning them, and make sure they get plenty of indirect sunlight and well-drained soil.


Also known as the Iron Cross Begonia, this variety is prized for its unique foliage. The leaves of the Masoniana feature a distinctive iron cross pattern, which makes them a great conversation piece in any garden. They prefer bright, indirect light and should be kept moist but not too wet.


The Semperflorens is a versatile plant that can be grown as a perennial or annual, depending on your climate. These plants come in a range of colours and are great for adding colour to borders, containers, or hanging baskets. They do well in moist, somewhat shaded areas.


This stunning plant is known for its cascading, bell-shaped blooms in shades of orange, red, and yellow. The Boliviensis prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil, and should be watered regularly but not overwatered. It looks beautiful in pots or baskets hung from the ceiling.


The Odorata is a fragrant variety that produces small, delicate blooms in shades of pink, white, or red. These plants prefer partial shade and well-draining soil and should be watered regularly. They’re a great choice for adding fragrance to a garden or indoor space.

The Bottom Line

Begonias are beautiful and versatile plants that come in a wide range of varieties. There’s a variety for every taste and level of gardening expertise. With proper care, these stunning plants can add colour and texture to any space.