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7 foods that curb hunger and reduce your appetite quickly


Hunger pangs or hunger pains is the painful feeling in the upper left side of the abdomen. It is usually caused when you are hungry. But your hunger pangs don’t always indicate an empty stomach! Come, let’s talk about appetite and foods that curb hunger pangs.

There can be instances where your abdomen hurts around the time you usually have your meal. Hunger pangs can be associated with your routine. You tummy can hurt right around the time you routinely have your meals. Hunger pangs are also your body’s way of communicating a lack of nutrients. If you feel hungry time-to-time, either choose low-calorie snacks or eat the right food to keep your stomach full and mind off food!

7 foods that help you curb hunger pangs quickly

1. Eggs keep your stomach full

According to a recent study, eating eggs for breakfast every day can help people feel less hungry and consume fewer calories at lunch and throughout the day. The results of the study showed that when given an unlimited lunch buffet, participants who had an egg-based breakfast ingested much fewer calories than those who had a breakfast of carb-rich bagels with the same number of calories. The findings confirms earlier research that found dieters who ate eggs for breakfast as part of a low-calorie diet lost 65 percent more weight and felt more energized than those who ate bagel breakfasts with the same number of calories and volume.

Eggs are a filling food. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Chicken can prevent hunger pangs

More protein can make you feel more satisfied, reduce hunger hormone levels, and possibly encourage you to eat less at your next meal. In a short study with 20 healthy people who were overweight or obese, those who consumed diet foods high in protein compared to those low in protein felt more satisfied and had lower levels of hunger hormones after breakfast.

3. Legumes for a wholesome meal

Legumes like lentils, beans, soybeans, and peas include significant amounts of plant-based protein and fibre. They also have a low energy density. It suggests that your calorie intake will be low even while you consume satiating amounts of beans. A bowl of pulses is highly recommended by the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) for both dinner and lunch.

4. Fibre-rich oats can curb hunger pangs

Oats have a high concentration of soluble and insoluble fibres and have few calories. Since oats contain beta-glucan, a soluble fibre, your stomach will feel fuller for a longer period of time. It makes sense that one of the healthiest breakfast alternatives includes oats.

Fibre-rich oats will keep your full! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Fruits to your rescue

According to research, soluble fiber-rich low-calorie plant foods like oranges and grapefruit let us feel filled more quickly and maintain stable blood sugar levels. Better control over hunger pangs may result from this. Oranges and grapefruits have the highest fibre content out of the top 20 fruits and vegetables.

6. Coconut water with tender coconut

It is a fantastic snack that will both satisfy your hunger and help you burn fat more quickly. Additionally, it reduces hunger, which causes a natural drop in caloric consumption. Due to the high fibre level of coconut, it helps increase fullness and keeps you from overeating.

7. Fish to reduce appetite

Compared to other protein-rich food products like eggs, chicken and fish are on the higher side of the Satiety Index. Fish is one of the richest sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fats) that you get from your food and can help you suppress your appetite.

The bottom line

Appetite and hunger are typical physiological activities. They typically provide as a simple indicator that food is needed and that your body requires energy.

The food suggestions provided above can help to curb your appetite and hunger when you notice that they are stronger than usual.


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